Calculating Weighted Grades Manually and Using Tools: A Detailed Guide for Teachers and Students


In this guide we will be explaining about how Weighted Grades are Calculated by hands, using toois like Excell sheet, Google sheet and online tools. Also we will be discussing about the formula that is needed to calculate it.

Weighted Grading system is a system of Grading that assigns different levels of importance to various assessments. Depending on the nature of the subject of course the weights to different assesments are assigned. So that the Grading of each student should be easy and fair. It does not give importance to final exams but it includes a variety of activires done in class with weights.

Understanding the Concept

Before diving into details we need to understand the grading with weights concept.

  1. Each activity in class let’s say assessment is assigned a weight. It could be quizzes, assignments, disccussions, presentations, mids, exams etc. And the weights are generally respresented with percentages.
  2. The final Grade is calculated using a simple formula that includes each assesements’ obtained grade multiplied with it’s weight assigned and then summed all the results.

Weighted Grades Calculation Manually (By Hands)

Take a pen and paper and gather the below information:

  • Get a list of all the assessments that is included in the weighted grades. The list may include Assignments, quizzes, presentations, class discussions, mids, exmams etc.
  • Get the weightage of each component. You may ask your teacher about the weightages of each assessment or the examination department.
  • Get your obtained grades for each assesment.
  • Now all the data is gathered. Use formula to calculate i.e; Multiply each obtained grade by it’s corresponding weight. Then Multiply


  • Assessments: Presentation, Homework, Quizzes, Midterm Exam, Final Exam
  • Weights: Presentation (15%), Homework (20%), Quizzes (15%), Midterm Exam (20%), Final Exam (30%)
  • Grades: Presentation (75%), Homework (80%), Quizzes (90%), Midterm Exam (80%), Final Exam (70%)

Calculation: Final Grade=((75×0.15)+(80×0.20)+(90×0.15)+(80×0.20)+(70×0.30))

Final Grade} = 11.25 + 16 + 13.5 + 16 + 21

Final Grade= 77.75 %

Weighted Grades Calculation Using Excel

Excel is best to calculate Weighted Grades, with basic knowledge you can implement the above manual formula in excel.

  • Take Five columns A, B, C, D, E and thefill the gathered data
  • Column A: Assessments (Presentations, Assignments, Quizzes, Mid Terms, Exams)
  • Column B: Weightages (15%, 20%, 15%, 20%, 30%)
  • Column C: Grades (75, 80, 90, 80,70)
  • Column D: Multiply Grades with weights correspondingly Like D1= C1*B1 and drag this formula down
  • Column E: Sum all the data in Colum D, E1=Sum(D1:DX) (X in this case is 5, because we have five entries)

Weighted Grades Calculation Using Google Sheet

Google sheets are the same as excel, almost all the formulae and format is same. Weighted Grade calculation can be done easily on Google sheet same as excel.

  • Open Google sheets.
  • Take Five columns A, B, C, D, E and thefill the gathered data
  • Column A: Assessments (Presentations, Assignments, Quizzes, Mid Terms, Exams)
  • Column B: Weightages (15%, 20%, 15%, 20%, 30%)
  • Column C: Grades (75, 80, 90, 80,70)
  • Column D: Multiply Grades with weights correspondingly Like D1= C1*B1 and drag this formula down
  • Column E: Sum all the data in Colum D, E1=Sum(D1:DX) (X in this case is 5, because we have five entries)

Weighted Grading using Online Tools

There are so many online tools and websites that can calculated weighted grades easily. Weighted Grade Calculator gets the same data from user as above and calculates the final grade on just one click.
There are more calculators online that can calculate weightes grades easily are, Grade Calculators by MES etc.

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